Dogs in Serbia
In dem von uns betreuten Tierheim in Svilos warten ca. 190 Hunde sehnsüchtig auf ein neues Zuhause. Für die Einreise in die EU ist für Hunde aus Serbien ein Tollwut-Titertest erforderlich. Unter "TITERTEST HUNDE" können Sie einen Titertest spenden.
73% of our animals are looking for a food donor
7 Entries
born November 2019
Female dog
Female dog
A big thank you to my food donor
born April 2020
Female dog
Female dog
A big thank you to my food donor
born 2009
Male dog
Male dog
A big thank you to my food donor
born April 2016
Male dog
Male dog
I need a food donation
born März 2020
Female dog
Female dog
I need a food donation
born Oktober 2019
Female dog
Female dog
I need a food donation
born Jänner 2020
Female dog
Female dog
I need a food donation