Michael Nagy u. Carmen Jahrbacher

Michael Nagy is a motor-sport fan and dog-lover and is working in the IT industry.

He wanted to get involved in animal welfare, as he himself grew up with dogs and so he got in touch with Animal Care Austria.

During his first transport trip with donations to the Animal Care Austria supported shelter in Kiskunlacháza, Hungary with ACA founder, Carol Byers, he was introduced to the small, mixed-breed dog Kicsi. Michael was immediately in love with this calm and kind dog lady. He returned a week later to pick up Kicsi (Hungarian for "small") with his partner Carmen. Carmen, a communications specialist, had never seen Kicsi before, but also immediately fell in love with her. Kicsi now lives like a princess, enjoys doing dog sports, has many dog friends, toys, and is always styled :)

Michael and Carmen have been supporting Animal Care Austria since Kicsi entered their lives, and who knows, maybe Kicsi will soon have a playmate ...?